Assassin’s Creed® The Ezio Collection saate teha ajalugu legendaarse palgamõrvari Ezio rollis. The Ezio Collection sisaldab üksikmängija kampaaniaid j..
Assassin´s Creed IV Black Flag alustab jutustust aastast 1715, ajal mil piraadid moodustasid Kariibidele eraldiseisva valitsuse, mis valitses nii vete..
We live in a complex world. The more advanced it gets, the more vulnerable it becomes. We’ve created a house of cards: remove just one, and everything..
Monopoly Family Fun Pack features an exclusive Monopoly game bundle for players to enjoy a modern twist to the well-known franchise. The pack includes..
Seven months have passed since a deadly virus hit New York City and the rest of the world, crippling the population. When the virus hit, The Division,..