Creed: Rise to Glory (PS VR jaoks) PS4
Creed: Rise to Glory on poksisimulaator PS VR-ile, kus saad astuda Adonis Creedi rolli ja liikuda kuulsuse poole. Treeni legendaarse Rocky B..
Down the Rabbit Hole (PS VR jaoks) PS4
Down the Rabbit Hole on seiklusmäng PS VR-ile, mis on inspireeritud „Alice Imedemaal” loost. Mängija juhib tüdrukut, kes satub müstilisse ma..
The Walking Dead Onslaught Survivor Edition VR (PS4)
Step into the apocalyptic world of the Walking Dead with the official VR game for amc's global phenomenon, the Walking Dead onslaught, and via the in ..
Star Wars: Squadrons (PS VR Compatible) [PS4]
STAR WARS™: Squadrons mäng võimaldab Sul omandada tähesõdade kunsti ning saada kosmosesõdade superstaariks. ..
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time (PS4)
Pilot the TARDIS: team up with the Doctor and travel through space and time to new Horizons, piloting the brand new TARDIS as seen in the last seriesi..
Marvels Iron Man PS4 VR
Don the PlayStation VR headset to suit up as the Armoured Avenger in an original Iron Man adventure!Using two PlayStation Move motion controllers fire..
The Angry Birds 2 Under Pressure VR PS4
Run, jump, grab and throw. TNT on deck?! SOMEBODY GET RID OF THAT! The game requires 1 captain in the PS VR to play. Up to 3 crew players can join in ..
Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight (PS VR tugi) PS4
In Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight, the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad (SEES) and the Phantom Thieves..
Blind (PS VR jaoks) PS4
Blind is a narrative-driven psychological adventure for virtual reality where the player is blind and must explore their surroundings using echolocati..
Blood and Truth (PlayStation VR) PS4
BE THE ACTION HERO Star in your own explosive action movie blockbuster with this PS VR exclusive shooter. Battle through the crime-ridden London under..
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown (PS VR) PS4
Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown delivers a fierce air combat experience thro..
Tekken 7 PS4
Võta sisse võitlusasend ja ole valmis legendaarseks uuema generatsiooni võitluseks, mille taga on Unreal Engine 4. Jutustusega kaklusmängu frantsiis, ..