Caped Crusader ühendab jõud teiste kuulsate DC-superkangelastega ja lendab kosmosesse, et peatada kuri Brainiac kes tahab hävitada Maa. Kasutades Lant..
Battlefield 4 on oma žanri üks parimaid näiteid, tuues mängijani märulirohke sõjatandri, kus mängu ja tõelise aupaiste vaheline piir muutub üha ähmase..
Assassin´s Creed IV Black Flag alustab jutustust aastast 1715, ajal mil piraadid moodustasid Kariibidele eraldiseisva valitsuse, mis valitses nii vete..
Enter the fractured pysche of Bruce Wayne in this dark and violent new story from the award-winning creators of The Walking Dead - A Telltale Games Se..
Real Touch-The 1st touch is calculated by player attributes as well as the further inclusion of real ball physics directly controlled by the input bal..
Freestyle mode allows MC's in the making to kick your own lyrics over well-known producer&rsquos beats, offering a chance to show and prove that you h..
BioWare story and characters, now set in a living, open world.The epic role-playing series from BioWare takes a thrilling leap forward with the power ..
CHOOSE YOUR CIV - Choose from 16 Civilizations throughout history (from Africa to Germany to America to China) to lead to victory. Each time you defea..
The Assault - Experience intense first-person combat as you go up against oversized Nazi robots, hulking Super Soldiers and elite shock troops - all r..