The Callisto Protocol (Day One Edition) XBox One/Series X
29.00€ 55.00€
In this narrative-driven, third-person survival horror game set 300 years in the future, the player will take on the role of Jacob Lee – a victim of f..
The Dark Pictures: House Of Ashes Xbox Series X - Xbox One
Iraagi sõja lõpus leiavad eriüksuslased massihävitusrelvi otsides midagi palju surmavamat - maetud Sumeri tempel, milles on iidsete olevuste pesa. Nüü..
Back 4 Blood [Xbox]
29.00€ 56.00€
Back 4 Blood on põneb tulistamismäng, kus leiad end keset sõda Ridden'i vastu - endiste inimeste, kuid nüüd parasiitide poolt vallutatud ja jubedateks..
Resident Evil Village Xbox One / Series X
23.00€ 33.00€
A New Chapter In The Resident Evil Storyline - This eighth major instalment in the flagship Resident Evil series continues the story from the critical..