Atomfall [PS4/PS5]
Atomfall on dünaamiline teadusfantaasia žanri platvormimäng, kus mängijad uurivad tuumasõja järgselt hävinud maailma. Mäng ühendab ellujäämise, mõista..
MADiSON – The Possessed Edition [PS4]
MADiSON – The Possessed Edition on psühholoogiline õudusmäng kus mängija peab ellu jääma hirmutavas majas, lahendades mõistatusi ja silmitsi..
Little Nightmares II Enhanced Edition [PS5]
Little nightmares II on põnevus-seiklusmäng, kus oled noor poiss Mono, kes on lõksus maailmas, mida häirib värisev edastus kaugest tornist...
The Walking Dead: Destinies [PS4]
Begin your journey as Rick Grimes, waking alone in a hospital surrounded by the dead. Assemble allies and fight your way through the walker apocalypse..
Monster Hunter World Iceborne: Master Edition [PS4]
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne — Master Edition on populaarse mängu laiendus, mis sisaldab originaalmängu Monster Hunter: World ja Iceborne laiendust...
Maneater Apex Edition [PS4]
15.50€ 24.00€
Become the Maneater! Experience the ultimate power fantasy as the apex predator of the seas - a terrifying Shark! Maneater is a single player, open wo..
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [PS4]
Victims must use teamwork, stealth, and all of their abilities to try to escape from the clutches of the Slaughter Family. With a robust metagame enco..
Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle [PS4/PS5]
DAYMARE: 1994 on hirmutav mäng, kus tuleb ellujäämise nimel palju vaeva näha ning oma vaenlasi tappa. Mängu sisu leiab aset 1990ndate lõpul salajases ..
Resident Evil 4 Remake (PS4/PS5)
Surviving is just the first step. Resident Evil 4, a real giant of the industry, is reborn. You are waiting for the updated gameplay, redesigned story..
ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition [PS4]
ARK: The Ultimate Survivor Edition includes ARK: Survival Evolved, along with these huge Expansion Packs: Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction,..
Atomic Heart [PS4\PS5]
38.00€ 49.00€
Eksklusiivne füüsilise versiooni boonus DLC: Rootsi relva nahk ja elektrorelva nahkUtoopiline maailm, nii hullumeelne kui ka ülevVistseraalne, tähelep..
The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition (PS4)
Your favorite zombie shooter is back from the dead! The House of the Dead: Remake - Limidead Edition resurrects the iconic nineties arcade game ..