Alien: Isolation Xbox One
Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after..
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom XBox One
The cult classic is back, faithfully remade in spongetastic splendor! Play as SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy and show the evil Plankton that crime pays ..
Zombieland Double Tap Road Trip XBOX One
4-Player local multi-player & coop: play as one of the main characters from the movie such as columbus, wichita, little Rock or tallahasseeBonus u..
Metro Exodus Xbox One
17.50€ 27.00€
Metro Exodus on suurejooneline ja meeldejääv FPS-stiilis tulistamismäng 4A Gamesi poolt, milles kombineeritakse märulirohked tulevahetused ning hiilim..
Overcooked Double Pack (Overcooked! + Overcooked! 2) XBOX ONE
Get ready for a double helping of cooperative cooking as Overcooked! And Overcooked! 2 come together in chaotic Harmony.Overcooked! Play solo or engag..
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Xbox One
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes jutustab loo Nick Furyst, kes kutsub appi Marveli universumi parimad kangelased (Raudmees, Ämblikmees, Hulk, Thor, Wolverine ..
Jumanji The Video Game XBox One
Unite in adventure and laughter in the action-packed game of Jumanji, the ultimate challenge for those who seek to leave their world behind. Play onli..
World War Z XBox One
Inimkond on väljasuremise äärel. New York'ist kuni Moskva ja Jeruusalemmini on levimas maailmalõppu kuulutav apokalüpsis. Lugematud miljonit on muutun..
Resident Evil 3 XBox One
Jill Valentine on üks viimaseid allesjäänud inimesi Raccoon City linnas, kes näeb Umbrella tehtud kohtavaid tegusid. Tema peatamiseks kasutab Umbrella..
Doom Eternal XBox One
16.50€ 23.00€
Põrgu armeed on vallutnud Maa. Sinu roll on hävitada teisest dimensioonist pärit deemonid ning panna lõpp inimkonna hävitamisele. Ainuke asi mida deem..
Hello Neighbor [XBox One]
16.50€ 25.00€
Stealth HorrorNeighbor AI learns your tactics and evolvesInteractive environmentExtremely tense, but family-friendly gameplay..
Ori and the Will of the Wisps Xbox One
17.50€ 24.00€
From the creators of Ori and the Blind Forest&rdquo with over 50 awards and nominations comes the highly anticipated sequel: Ori and the Will of t..