Terminator: Resistance mängu sisu leiab aset 'Future War' olukorras, millel peatuti ka ikoonilistes filmides THE TERMINATOR ja T2: JUDGEMENT DAY. Masi..
Battlefield 4 on oma žanri üks parimaid näiteid, tuues mängijani märulirohke sõjatandri, kus mängu ja tõelise aupaiste vaheline piir muutub üha ähmase..
Raid: World War II is an action-packed four player co-operative shooter set during a time when the Nazi war machine was still winning, and hope was in..
He’s Gat. We all know Gat. He’ll take any job that involves committing acts of extreme violence. He also has a skewed sense of justice, and being part..
GAME OVERVIEWFrom the Creators of Halo and the company that brought you Call of Duty. In Destiny you are a Guardian of the last city on Earth, able to..
Team up with a friend or play alone with an AI companion in the first modern co-op Wolfenstein adventure. Perform new Tag team maneuvers, crank up the..
Destiny 2: Forsaken - Legendary CollectionFour story experiences. Eight worlds to explore. Thousands of rewards to discover. One Legendary Collection...
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege on kuulsa taktikalise esimese isiku laskuri järgmine osa, mille stsenaarium põhineb tõeliste terrorismivastaste operat..