Start a new life in the enchanting town of Portia! Restore your Pa's neglected workshop to its former glory by fulfilling commissions, growing crops, ..
It's Hero Time! Some of Ben's most infamous villains are back, and they're threatening the world- and it's up to you to stop them. Unlock and transfor..
Legendaarsed Marveli Superkangelased ja Superpahalased erinevatest ajastustest ning dimensioonidest saavad koos LEGO-le omase huumori ja meeldejääva s..
Sõdurid. Teadlased. Seiklejad. Veidrikud. Ülemaailmse kriisi ajal luuakse rahvusvaheline meeskond kangelastest - OVERWATCH -, et tuua sõdadest räsitud..