Мир потрясла серия экологических катастроф, и человечество находится на грани вымирания. Инопланетяне вернулись с твердым намерением стереть людей с л..
An investigation into his daughter’s death unwittingly leads former agent Sam Fisher to discover he’s been betrayed by his prior agency, the Third Ech..
For a thousand years, three opposing forces have waged war for what they believe is true. There can be no room for compromise: their way is the only w..
Deception is the essence of R.U.S.E.'s gameplay, just as it is the core of warfare: deception techniques such as espionage, decoys and radio silence p..
Day Night / Weather Cycle: a unique environment model with dynamic and controllable weather system and day night cycleLayered Armor and Crafting Syste..
Rainbow Six: Vegas presents a new team of Rainbow Warriors, as they take to the streets of America. The streets of Las Vegas are chaotic, an escalatin..
Far Cry 2 on järg maailmakuulsale tulistamismänguleFar Cry. Sellel korral leiab tegevus leiab aset Aafrikas, kus kahesõjajalal oleva leeri konflikt ha..
The game Assassin's Creed (Assassins Creed) takes place in parallel during the 3rd Crusade and in the present day. A mad scientist and his dandelion a..
A modern day reinvention of one of the most critically acclaimed arcade franchises of all-time, EA SPORTS SSX will allow players to experience the fra..
Shoot-and-destroy tactical co-op: Work together and perform challenging strategic maneuvers with your friend in a true two-player co-op experience wit..