Take on the role of three enigmatic commanders former friends from each of the unique factions -- The United Earth Federation (UEF), The Illuminate an..
TSIVILISATSIOONI UUS KOIT – Civilization Revolution toob esmakordselt konsoolidele tuntud Civilizationi frantsiisiMÄNGU MÄNGU REMONT – uued graafi..
Deception is the essence of R.U.S.E.'s gameplay, just as it is the core of warfare: deception techniques such as espionage, decoys and radio silence p..
A Latin music soundtrack, as well as a variety of online-functions such as high scores or visiting islands belonging to other players.Comprehensive ca..
For a thousand years, three opposing forces have waged war for what they believe is true. There can be no room for compromise: their way is the only w..
The galaxy is trapped in an endless cycle of extinction. Every 50,000 years, an ancient machine race invades the galaxy. With ruthless efficiency, the..